So you wanna know about me?? ^_^

Yep, that's me right there XD Ok, not really (as I'm sure you guessed, lol). Hmm, so about me huh? Well, I am older than you think (I made expage websites when I was around 12) but mentally, I feel like I'm still in my early 20's. However, I am much wiser... though I am quite spacey and a dumb dumb most of the time, haha.
Lets see, a bit about me is that I was a creative little squirt growing up. Coloring in coloring books constantly, scribbling on everthing paper related, and I once splattered ink on the wall as a toddler. I loved all cartoons and especially Disney movies (Lion King anyone??). Then when I turned 11, I experienced my frist anime, Sailor Moon. I was hooked. It was just so different, and I fell in love with the style of Japanese anime. I watched that and many more anime on Cartoon Network. (At that time, the internet was fairly new and you couldn't watch anime or read manga like you can now.)
All through high school I took all the art classes offered (though would you believe that I failed my first art class as a freshman?? I hated school then, but I did end up taking it again an passing XD). But once I was out of highschool and into "boyfriends", I just let my creativity go. Then at one point I got married, got divorced *sigh, and now for the past two years or so, I've been learning to draw more seriously (thanks to youtube and such!). So, hopefully you can enjoy what I create as much as I enjoy making it!
(( p.s. I have made many a neocities pages, but I have deleted all of them. I have gone through many mental/emotional/spiritual changes and such, so some might recognize my style, etc. Hopefully I am here to stay ))